Sunday, April 12, 2009

What If...

What if 9/11 never happened...
What if the Great Depression was just made up history...
What if the Iraq War didn’t actually occur...
What if disabled human beings were never made fun of...
What if children were never abused by enraged parents...
What if animals weren’t discarded like trash for the simple fact that a shelter ran out of room for them...

Then this world would be nothing short of a splendid piece of perfection and paradise. Would you not agree? But these things do happen and they all to often crush the human spirit. They leave us wondering why? Why such evilness, destruction, and sinful nature? Now ask yourself an even more important question:

What if Jesus Christ never willingly endured the most brutal and vicious beating and persecution of all time?

It is because of this very act that humanity learned of one of the greatest gifts of all time... forgiveness. And without forgiveness neither you nor I would be able to remain sane in this nonsensical world that we inhabit. Forgiveness allows us to love once again when love is the farthest thing from our heart.

Let us reflect on this today, Easter Sunday. And let us give thanks for God’s unconditional love for us as he sacrificed His only son so that we may be saved.

Happy Easter and may God bless you!


Riannon said...

Awesome story! Thanks for sharing and have a very Happy Easter!!!

JeanieD said...

This touched my heart and gives the true meaning of Easter and the sacrifice made for all those who are His children.

May we all count our blessings and learn true forgiveness from Our Heavenly Father.